Feb 21, 2024
From 11:30 AM to 1:45 PM

Location Le Westin Montréal270, Rue Saint-Antoine OMontréal, H2Y 0A3
ContactMontreal Council of Foreign Relations

Sciences de la vie : les sociétés d’ancrage comme tremplin international pour le Québec ?

Sciences de la vie : les sociétés d’ancrage comme tremplin international pour le Québec ?

The Montreal Council of Foreign Relations invites you to the conference: Life sciences: anchor companies as an international springboard for Quebec?

adMare BioInnovations published the adMare Institute's first report last November, entitled "The Evolution of the Canadian Life Sciences Industry: An Analysis of Ecosystems, Clusters and the Need for Anchor Companies". Join us to hear our President and CEO, Gordon C. McCauley, present the key findings of this white paper, then hear our guests' views on the subject.


  • Elizabeth Douville, President & CEO, IRICoR and Chairman of the Board, Genome Canada
  • Stefan Raos, General Manager, Moderna Canada
  • Lloyd Segal, President &CEO, Repare Therapeutics
  • Moderated by Benoît Larose, CEO, BIOQuébec

Organized in collaboration with Fonds de solidarité FTQ and ROBIC

Hybrid event - in person at the Westin Montréal or online. This event will be held in french


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